Thursday, August 18, 2011

What do you think of Linden for a girl?

I am 23 weeks pregnant and having my second girl. Her middle name will be Ruth, after my grandmother who ped away. What are your opinions on the name, Linden Ruth?

Accelerating force 707 N (ne) m of boat 200 kg drag is 500 N find the acceleration?

The accelerating force of the wind on a small 200 kg sailboat is 707 N northeast. If the drag of the keel is 500 N acting west, what is the acceleration of the boat?

Would you find this story interesting?

I am wondering why you hit the snooze on, after you slid out of bed. If I were reading this book I would skip over the Mythical stuff and get back to the story line. I don't mean to sound silly, but I do that a lot when I read. I skip the parts like that. If a book has a long description of the country side or a cabin in the woods, I skip that part and just forward to the story line. It doesn't mean I don't read the book, just skip a lot of the details like that. Now if this is going to be a vampire story, I would throw the book out. That doesn't interest me, but I guess your target audience is teenagers, so it would work for them. Keep going, but either change the line about hitting the snooze on and then slipping out of bed, or loose that line completely. Keep going, it will be interesting to see more about her relationship with her dad.

Babies that were inbred by accident!!!?

my male hamster escaped and got into the females, and they are siblings. my female just had babies today. will the babies have a genetic disorder or be retarted????!?!?!?!?!? this actually happened to a dog that got inbred and turned out "retarted" once, but what are the chances?

Needs help with chicken care :)?

Chickens will eat almost anything, the like to roost at night time so a good perch will help, use an old thick broom handel about 3 to feet of the floor, they like to eat greens, cabbage leaves etc and for corn wheat barley etc, if they are laying eggs you will need one or two open boxes lined with straw for them to lay their eggs, use barley straw, it is softer! Chickens also need lots of water to drink,and don't forget to put a tray or a bowl or (shell) grit out for them to pick at! they need grit to help digest their food and to help with egg laying! as a treat and a good source of nutrition you could dig up some commom garden worms and feed them this! Chicken eat all day, you will see them always scracthing the floor and looking for worms etc! One main think you should check for is red-mite on the birds, the mite will eat the chicken feathers and the will have lots of dis-comfort,becareful not to get the red-mite on your skik, they can bite and it can be sore! Red-mite spray can be bought from any pet shop, just spray under the wings and a quick spray over the whole chicken! Hope this helps!

Writers Block, i have no idea where my plot is going?

i think you need to clear up a few things with your paragraphs. do you mean pain and loss, as a pair, or pain or loss? i was just a little confused about that. if you're worried about cliche-ness, i'd suggest the mary sue test. it's this test that measures how cliche your story is.

Toi lam ho so bao lanh con tren 21 tuoi,?

hien tai ho so cua con toi dang cho NVC xet de gui ve vn phong van.Trong khi cho doi, con trai toi muon lay vo o vn roi ca 2 vo chong cung qua luon.Vay ho so toi da lam bao lanh phai bo sung them vo cua con trai toi phai khong?Co anh huong gi den thoi gian xet duyet ho so khong?Toi co phai lam lai ho so tu dau khong?Va phai cho bao lau nua?Ho so cua toi nop thang 8/2006 bao lanh con tren 21 tuoi doc than.